Matilda Lerche
Energetic Intuitive
Matilda Lerche
Energy Intuitive
Awakening Codes for the Divine Feminine
- A membership community for expansion and wellbeing!
Are you searching for a community that supports your higher self and inspires your greatest potential? A community where your Divine Feminine will be healed, nurtured and supported? A community where you can access and embody the highest light codes available?
Join us to enjoy:
Channeled messages that give you insight into what you can expect energetically with each upcoming month.
Q&A sessions and group sharing about what matters to you!
Deep guided meditations, activations and exercises to assist your body to align in wellbeing.
Optimal, ongoing support from Matilda and her Guides.
Who can join?
Anyone who feels inspired to awaken and balance their divine femininity. Many of the meditations and exercises focus on female body anatomy but the program is useful for both males and females.
How can I join?
Click the FREE 14-Day Trial button below, then follow prompts to subscribe to our monthly community. Your membership will automatically renew every month until you cancel – at the same rate as when you joined.
What does it cost?
The monthly fee is $39. Your monthly subscription fee will stay the same rate for you until you cancel your membership.
There’s no risk to join! Enjoy all these benefits FREE for two weeks before your first payment is due.
What do I receive as a member?
​Two Monthly Group Calls:
1. On the first call, Matilda shares guidance and channeled messages to help you prepare for the upcoming month. You can share experiences and realizations, as well ask for guidance or assistance. The first call of each month wraps up with one of Matilda’s deep guided meditations and activations. ​
2. On the second call, we focus on your beautiful body and its highest wellbeing through activations, channeled guidance, movement exercises, toning and more.
If you can’t attend either call live, don’t worry! Replays are available within 24 hours..
One Monthly Theme Video. Each month we dive deep into a specific theme chosen by you and our community. These monthly channeled messages give us a deeper understanding of processes that help us as individuals and as a collective to grow and expand. No theme is too big or too small for our exploration. Submit your theme requests to
Session & Course Discounts. As a community member you receive 10% discounts on personal sessions and courses!
When are the group calls?
The first call is on the 1st day of each month at 7 pm CET / 10 am PT. The second call is on the 15th of each month at 5 pm CET/ 8 am PT. If you can’t join live, you can still submit your questions in advance and enjoy the replays.
Welcome to our community!
Do you have any questions? send them to