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A six to twelve months personal mentoring and healing program

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You are worth every moment spent on you!
Commit to yourself with the Rise Goddess Program.

Rise Goddess is a mentorship and healing program that helps you to elevate to the next level.


In the first session, Matilda and her Guides will help you identify your goals for the program. 


Throughout the six to twelve months, you will receive the most optimal support from Matilda, perfectly adjusted to assist you where you are in your life.


You will embody the next version of yourself by healing challenging life experiences and identifying your true essence and nature. You will learn to master your life experience in the most peaceful, joyful, and powerful way possible with the assistance of Matilda and her Guides. 


Matilda and her Guides will hold the highest vision for you as you move through the program to ensure pure transformation.


What you receive in the program:


  • A monthly session with healing and support to step into your new version.


  • A monthly mentoring session that will help you become clear about the steps to take to make your next chapter a reality.


  • One monthly audio-recorded activation that supports the themes in your life and helps you focus your energy every month.


  • Free membership in Matilda's community for the time your program is active.*


You will receive all this for only 2,000 USD for six months or 3,500 USD for the entire year.  

​If you cannot pay it all upfront, we have payment plans with monthly installments. 


Your monthly sessions will take place on Zoom. The 1-hour healing and 30-minute mentorship session will be recorded, and you will receive the recording in your inbox after the session. 

​*If you are already in our membership community, we will set your automatic payment to our community on hold while you are a part of this program. So you will benefit from this fantastic opportunity.

What Matilda's clients say about the Rise Goddess Program:

"Matilda helped me connect to my life as a goddess and reconnect to that knowing of walking as the divine feminine which I probably would not have done on my own (or it at least would’ve been more difficult) without her guidance. Her energy is very nurturing and supportive and I look forward to my sessions with her each month. 


She also connected me with others on a similar path to me who are working with children to help in facilitating collaboration and supporting one another. The support and connections are priceless. 


I would definitely recommend working with Matilda to clear out what’s not working, and realign energies to walk as your highest goddess self. She has provided tips for tweaking my energy and focus to best support me in walking towards my visions and desires. I like having a longer term container as well so she is there to help guide me along my souls highest path each month. I'm excited to see as everything else that unfolds as our journey continues. 


Thank you Matilda!"


Jennifer Fae, Author of Children's Books, Energy Healer and Certified Coach

"Rise Goddess has been a beautiful, expansive experience. I feel so much more connected to the Goddess within me whereas she felt disconnected , inconsistent and obscure before I started my work with Matilda in this capacity. I was always trying to get to my desired outcomes through roundabout ways, or through actions that didn't feel aligned. As I've embraced both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within me through Matilda's activations, meditations and visualizations, I feel so much more integrated. My Divine Feminine knows she is completely supported by my Divine Masculine and my Divine Masculine knows that he is nurtured, accepted and loved by my Divine Feminine. I have also been LOVING that my Divine Masculine is coming through in my day to day life and showing up in ways that completely surprise me. The desired outcomes, intentions and dreams I've had for years are being presented to me in very practical, digestible steps so that my human can integrate them into my life in a balanced, yet effective way. 


I also have a newfound desire to care for my own body and the divine vessel of my soul in a way that I didn't before. It's as if everything in my human experience has been upgraded. When I have fears pop up, it's as if my Goddess self is right there saying "you've got this." I am so much more comfortable within my own skin, and truly no longer feel the need to people please, or look for outside validation. If you want to take a step towards self-love and becoming your most embodied self I would highly recommend working with Matilda and her guides."


Christine Y.

"I feel so supported by Matilda and the guides. They have helped me stay connected with my Goddess even as I expand my business.  Rather than having my divine masculine take over and do what I believe is best the support from Matilda has supported me to make sure this is in alignment to my Goddess and where spirit is leading me in the most effortless ways.  I also found it invaluable to feel the support of my body in connecting to my ideal tribe and how to work with the divine feminine in calling in the tribe that I serve first through the energetics and divine feminine.  I have not found this support in any other of my business mentors.  I also received an Isis initiation which catapulted my confidence and knowing of my role here as the Goddess on earth.  This initiated me in expanding this knowing into my dreams and programming that I know impacts my current creations.  It feels good knowing that I am now creating my reality from my Goddess vibration rather than my human programming. 


I have recommended this to my dear Goddess sisters. They are also thriving in their life, deepest desires and moving in aligned directions with their business.  I recommend it because I believe it is catapulting the new ways of doing business and in alignment with the New Earth energies.  It feels so good to reinforce this truth and weave it into my here and now reality".



Kari K Taylor, PhD

License Psychologist 


"I highly recommend Matilda; she has a way of seeing my pure potential and desires. She has also empowered me to take steps to fulfill my purpose and guided me along the way


She knows on a deeper level what my soul came here to do and assists me in the perfect way. She holds the mirror and vision of our greatest purpose. 


It feels really good having Matilda and her guides supporting me on my path to my ultimate heart’s desires. I have experienced so much growth and expansion; it has become even easier for me to tune into my wisdom and guides. 


The program has really helped me feel good and stable in my body and more confident to become the leader I am meant to be".



Jevona Klassen,

Divine medium, Channel & Guide


"I am still fairly new to the Rise Goddess Program, but I already feel I have embarked on a very exciting adventure following this journey. Matilda guides with a high sensitivity, wisdom, and brightness in her being, which feels very safe to lean into and is the perfect support for opening up to my dreams and inner knowing. Matilda always gently reminds me that I have the answers to my searchings within and helps guide me into my body where I find the greatest peace and joy. I already feel how this program contributes to deepening my soul connection and anchoring my energy in the world.

I highly recommend Matilda and this program to those who feel called to go deeper with understanding and embodying their spiritual path and adventures on this Earth".



Nina Marie Wendelboe,

Dancer, Naturopath & Farmer


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