Matilda Lerche
Energetic Intuitive
Matilda Lerche
Energy Intuitive
The 2024 Divine Child Healer's Program
Description and Timetable
Program Description:
The Divine Child Healer's Program is for anyone who desires to help children thrive mentally, emotionally, and physically using energy healing. Whether in your family or on a professional level, this Program assists you in becoming powerfully balanced and grounded in yourself so you can support the children on your path.
The Program offers a comprehensive introduction to energy healing and the underlying energetic patterns forming the relationship between parents and children, as well as between adults and children. As a result, it is beneficial for anyone seeking to gain a broader perspective on these dynamics and reap the benefits of this shift in perspective. For example, many individuals will find this Program helpful in improving their relationships with their inner child, as well as their relationships with others.
In addition to theory modules, the Program uses energetic methodologies to open up the healing abilities within you and initiate you to become a healer for children.
The Divine Child Healer's Program spans seven months and includes 30+ hours of training, divided into eight theory modules, two healing activation modules, one group practice module, and several bonus sessions with guest teachers who are leaders in their fields.
Homework and assignments will be given after most modules.
If you desire additional support, personal sessions can be added.
What you receive in this Program:
We have designed eight two-hour modules to give you insights into how energy works and how to make the most of your connection with children by embodying a higher perspective. They also include healing that opens you to your higher path as a support and healer for children.
In two three-hour activation modules, we will support you into balance and initiate you to use the Divine Child's Support Healing and the Divine Child's Deep Reconnection Healing.
In one group healing module, you will learn to use the healing modalities in group settings, which allows you to assist large groups of children.
You will receive channeled feedback from the guides to your assignments and homework.
In every module, you will have the opportunity to ask questions.
This year, we have added exciting bonus talks by guest lecturers who are leaders in their fields as healers, mentors, or teachers working with children or parents in different capacities.
Further, this year, we have also added a ½-hr personal session with Matilda to assist you in clarifying your path as a healer for children - your own or professionally.
To maximize the Program's benefits, you can add four or seven personal mentoring and healing sessions with Matilda. These sessions will help you integrate the teachings and expand your potential as we go along, ensuring continuous growth.
What you will learn in the Program:
How energy is integrated into the child's body and how it works on different levels
How your vibration can support the children in your life
How trauma and beliefs can prevent the child from integrating their light and authentic self
About incarnation and the incarnation agreements within a family
What the child's soul mission is, and how it plays together with the family
What Starseeds are and what their role is
How healing can assist the child in rebalancing and releasing limiting beliefs and trauma
What your role is with the children - in your family, professionally, or globally
How to use two remote healing modalities to support and reconnect children to their authentic selves and wellbeing
The Divine Child's Support Healing can assist individual children and groups of children by helping them raise their vibration.
The Divine Child's Deep Reconnection Healing is a deep healing that can assist the child in reconnecting to their soul, inner balance, and authentic nature.
Your experience with healing modalities and your balance will determine if you can use them professionally after the Program. If you are already an experienced or certified healer, you can use this tool in your work once you have completed the course.
Suppose you are newer to using healing techniques. In that case, these new skills will require some practice. If you desire to use the tools outside your friends and family circle, Matilda recommends her advanced Program following this Program (ask for availability).
The healing modalities will work on your balance first; after that, the modalities can assist others. It is, therefore, a benefit for you to learn these types of healings whether you are new to this or experienced.
Further, your openness to receiving clairsentient and clairvoyant input from the client will determine how much feedback you receive from these healings. Clairsentience and clairvoyance are not directly taught (though supported by the energetic practices) in this Program.
You can purchase the Program for only 1333 USD.
To maximize your seven-month experience, you can enroll in the Program and add four or seven personal sessions. These sessions will allow you to delve deeper into your healing capabilities and broaden your growth potential.​
Register for the EXPANSION PACKAGE, which includes the Program and bi-monthly sessions (four in total), for only 1933 USD.
Or amp up your experience with the DELUXE PACKAGE that includes the Program and monthly sessions (seven in total) for only 2283 USD.
Payment plans are available.
Enrollment is capped at a maximum number of 10, so secure your spot today!
Register here
The Theory and Group Healing modules are on nine Thursdays from 9 am to 11 am PST / 6 pm to 8 pm CET.
The Activations modules are two Saturdays from 9 am to 12 pm PST / 6 pm to 9 pm CET.
The bonus sessions with guest teachers are on two+ Thursdays from 9 am to 10 am PST.
All sessions will take place on Zoom and will be recorded. You will have access to the recording within 48 hrs of the call.
August 29th from 9 to 10:30 am PST, Intro Call w. Matilda
September 5th from 9 to 11 am PST, Module 1 w. Matilda
September 19th from 9 to 10 am PST, Guest talk: Efrat Shokef
October 3rd from 9 to 11 am PST, Module 2 w. Matilda
October 24th from 9 am to 11 am PST, Module w. Jevona
November 7th from 9 to 11 am PST, Module 4 w. Matilda
November 9th from 9 to 12 pm PST, Module 5 - 1st Activation w. Matilda
November 21th from 9 to 11 am PST, Module 6 w. John
December 5th from 9 am to 11 am PST, Module 7 - Group Healing w. Matilda
January 2nd from 9 am to 11 am PST, Module 8 w. Matilda
January 25th from 9 am to 12 pm PST, Module 9 - 2nd Activation w. Matilda
February 6th from 9 to 11 am PST, Module 10 w. Matilda
February 20th from 9 to 10 am PST, Guest talk: Debbie Prediger
March 6th from 9 to 11 am PST, Module 11 w. Matilda
Each module will include theory, channeled guidance, time for questions, and specific guidance about integrating the wisdom and acquired skills into your life.
Description of Modules:
Module 1 focuses on the basic understanding of energy and how it is integrated into the child's body. We introduce different types of sensing, how each child is wired differently, and how this specific wiring supports them in life.
Module 2 focuses on understanding how different settings in the body and energy field can prevent the child from integrating their full authentic expression and how we can assist in changing those settings so that the child's energy can be fully integrated.
Module 3 with Jevona Klassen, focuses on our true soul and innocence. We came here to play, create, and have fun, and we can feel safe in our bodies to express who we truly are. There is only love, and knowing that, we have nothing to fear.
Module 4 focuses on the role of the family or caregiver and how the incarnation themes in the family are a part of the child's mission here on Earth. You will also gain an in-depth understanding of a child's mission and what life experiences the child can create to fulfill a life mission.
Module 5 is the first activation, during which the Divine Child's Support Healing will be activated. The activation will promote an understanding of how to hold your frequency and allow others to use your energy field to uplift themselves by resonance. It is a deep meditative process, so you should have time after the activation to integrate.
Module 6 with John Rusciano, focuses on understanding Starseeds: Discover what Starseeds are and the unique characteristics that set them apart. Learn why they are here on Earth and what their presence signifies for our planet's evolution.
Module 7 is a Group Healing practice, where you will learn how to perform healing in groups and connect with the energy field of groups of children to support and uplift their energy. We will go deeper with the healing of groups of children and the understanding of the impact it has when we unite our energy fields and create a healing vortex for children in need.
Module 8 poses the question, "Parents of the Earth (this does not require that you are a parent in the physical), what is our current role on the planet?" We will focus on the purpose of children incarnating with higher consciousness on the Earth and how to support them with their creation of a higher world/New Earth.
Module 9 is the second activation, in which the Deep Reconnection Healing is activated. It will promote an understanding of how the healing works to reconnect the child to their authentic nature and allow them to be all that they are. You support with what you are, meaning the healing works differently for each individual, depending on what you have integrated. The activation is a deep process, so you should have time after the activation to integrate.
Module 10 focuses on stepping into your role as professional support on the earth plane. We will focus on integrating the use of healing where you are currently and in the future. There will be time for practical support for those who started using healing modalities.
Module 11 focuses on allowing the realignment with your highest path by integrating all parts of you and opening your path forward as a healer for children. It is time to finish and ensure we have covered everything we need for this Program.
Our Guest Teachers and Bonus Talks:
September 19th, 9 am PST, The Promise We Made: Three Universal Soul Promises We Made to Our Children - Efrat Shokef
Efrat Shokef, Ph.D., is a Shamanic Energy Healing Practitioner working with spiritually aware children, teens, parents, and families. She is the Author of "The Promise We Made: Three Universal Soul Promises We Made to Our Children." in which she shares about her near-death experience and the teachings it offered. Efrat explores the essence of motherhood and guides parents in saying YES to who they came here to be and embracing the essence their children chose to come to. She shares tools and will answer our questions.
February 20th at 9 am PST, Moving Through Fear of Being Seen and Into Your Greatness - Debbie Prediger
Debbie Prediger is an Empowerment Leader and Strategist who began her journey as a nurse in a small village in rural Alberta, Canada. Alongside raising her twin boys to be proud stewards of their fifth-generation ranch, Debbie followed her heart's dreams. Despite the unconventional path, she stepped into the spotlight and now empowers others to do the same.
Debbie helps individuals transition from their busy minds to their hearts, enabling them to create the lives they truly desire. By understanding their 'why' and taking aligned actions, she guides them to become the best versions of themselves. Debbie discusses overcoming the fear of being seen and embracing greatness, encouraging small steps, and daring to leap sometimes.
We will announce more talks as we go along.
Requirements for Certification:
You must attend all modules either live or by replay. Small assignments after a module will need to be completed and sent to me by email.
There will also be a minimum requirement of remote child healings, each with a self-evaluation submitted to Matilda. The requirements are six healings using the Divine Child's Support Healing and three using the Divine Child's Deep Reconnection Healing.
You should submit all work by three months following the conclusion of the course to receive a certification certificate from Awaken to You unless you have made other personal agreements with Matilda.